Image Comics has announced Unearth, a new horror comic series written by Cullen Bunn and illustrated by Kyle Strahm & Baldemar Rivas.
Bunn said: “I feel so lucky to be working with Kyle and Baldemar on this book. Kyle and I have such similar sensibilities when it comes to horror, but there are enough differences in our tastes that we challenge each other. And Baldemar! What an amazing talent! And he has helped us to push the boundaries of what this tale of terror is all about. We want this story to be something different and shocking and fun and surprising, and I think we’ve succeeded!”
The first issue will feature main cover art by Rivas and a variant by Strahm:
Strahm said: “If you like the idea of beautiful horror, Unearth is the book for you. Baldemar’s art is as pretty as it is disturbing. And Cullen always gives the creeps.”
Rivas added: “I’m incredibly proud of Unearth and thrilled to be working with two of the most twisted minds in comics. This book is filled with the most disturbing storytelling that I’ve ever done, with a perfect balance of grotesque, beautiful, and chilling imagery in each issue. I’m excited to unleash this beast upon the world.”
Unearth #1 will be released on Wednesday, July 10th.
A flesh-warping disease ravages a remote village in Mexico and a scientific task force travels to the inhospitable area to investigate the contamination. Tracing the source of the disease to a nearby cave system, the team discovers a bizarre, hostile ecosystem and a supernatural revelation from which they may never escape.